Upon waking

How am I?

Who or what is sourcing me?

What do I need to write down to clear my mind?

What intention will I create today?

What conversations call to me today?

What actions require my attention?

What foods nourish me?

What foods don’t work for me?

Who can I tell I love?

What needs completing?

Where can I invest my time, money or talents today?

Where can I help out?

What is enough?


What can I acknowledge myself for in this moment?

Is my breath flowing throughout my body?

Are there urgent matters that require my attention?

Are there things I planned to do that aren’t as relevant as I thought?

Is the intention I set this morning present for me?


What am I grateful for?

Where did scarcity grip me?

What tool of sufficiency did I have at my disposal?

Where did I feel connected to the larger universe today?

What actions taken now will dramatically improve tomorrow?

What do I need to do, say or write to be complete for this day?
