Over the past three weeks we have looked at what it takes to break free of our personal money trap:

We stop letting the number in our wallet, trust fund, checking, savings and or our retirement accounts define us or our opinion of others. (part one)

Understand how to be responsible about money without allowing scarcity to dominate and without traveling to Fantasy Land. (part two)

Reallocating the flow of our money toward the people, causes and organizations that speak to us and honor what we think is important. (part three)

Through the Global Sufficiency Network (www.globalsufficiency.org) I facilitated a call on September 22, 2009 that discussed how to break free from scarcity around money, or as I dubbed it, the money trap. To listen to the hour long conversation click here.

With the holidays’ arrival comes the potential to deepen ourselves in the trap of more: more money, more gifts, more food, more stocking stuffers, more cookies and more debt. What commitment can you make to break free of the money trap today? Who will you partner with to hold you accountable?

Are you willing to share your experience with us?

If yes please either e-mail Seven Stones at [email protected] or by posting a comment to this post.


