We have a practice at Seven Stones we call Creation Devotion Action. These domains serve as a way for us to understand and track our lives, our doings, beings and havings inside of the path of sufficiency. We use these distinctions to create our year, our month, our week and our days. We crafted these inquiries to track ourselves on a regular basis and share with our trusted advisors each week to be witnessed in our development.

Try it out! And tell us what you think at [email protected].


This Year is created inside:

This Month is created inside:

This Week is created inside:

What is the vision for this year I am living into?

Drop the year’s vision and declarations you created for yourself in this space and read it each week, making any adjustments as necessary.


What did I create this week?

Where am I in reaction?

Looking at the past week where did I fail to honor my integrity? Is there anything I need to share about my word, my relationships or my intentions?

Is there anything stopping me that I need to share?

Are there any in-authenticities or disempowering conversations to share?

What possibilities or empowering conversations can I engage in that further my goals?


What actions did I take in the domain of devotion this week?

How well did I love myself this week? How well did I love the softness, the beauty, the hidden and the revealed? Did I bask in my own glory and feel the presence of absolute love?

How am I physically? Am I eating in a way that provides me the energy and vitality that is demanded for the long term? Am I in integrity around my, physical, emotional and mental well-being?

Am I doing my practices?

How are my structures including my physical space? How are these domains working for me? Is there something I need to communicate about paperwork, clutter or laundry? Am I keeping my space in beauty?

What additions or alterations have I made to my Infrastructure?

Are my finances in a place to source me? What new revenues have I earned this week? How much have I earned total for the year? What are my debt levels? Is there anything stopping me that I need to share?


Since my last report what actions have I completed? What has happened for resources to flow toward my business and personal intentions?

[Track from last week]

Looking at the past weeks where did I fail to honor my word or stepped away from the truth within creation, devotion or action? Is there anything I need to share?

What distractions kept me from living into my greatness? How do I distract myself from doing what it takes, and being who I desire to live into my definition of success?

Are there any disempowering conversations for me to share?

What are the actions I am committed to and tracking for this week?


What has opened up for me now that I have completed this report?

Is there anything else I need to communicate?

