In the summer of 2011 I learned a concentration practice called Metta. It was taught to me by Sharon Salzberg, a pre-emanate Buddhist Dharma teacher and co-founder of IMS, who brought this practice to the west. I have spent the ensuing months in deep reflection and practice about loving-kindness. I have included teaching it to many clients and writing about my experiences including a white paper on our site.
Today as I look toward creating 2013, I wondered if using the concept of a “friendly wish” could work well to craft my year instead of bold resolutions, goals or even intentions?
As an example: take a standard weight loss more exercise goal. In the old days I would have said, “I am going to go to the gym more and lose weight this year.” Usually I would include a number with this goal i.e. 20-30 pounds.
I wonder if, as an experiment, wishing myself well would give me space to grow and develop this year?
May I be healthy in 2013 or May I find a healthy balance of nourishment and movement this year.
To my ear it sounds less stressful, more achievable and it seems to give me a place to be with what is working well in this moment. Are you willing to join me in a new creation practice?
What friendly wish can we all give ourselves this year as we look to grow in 2013?