I am rushing
I am tired
I have not slept enough
I did not nourish my body or soul when I awoke
I jump to the Immediate
I focus on the urgent
I feel Obligation
I have Doubts about my ability
I am Hording e-mail
I focus on What Isn’t–the wonderful boss, a collaborative team and the smart colleagues I do not have
I Resent
I am Jealous
I sidestep Discord
I hide my Failures
I Resist change
I Worry about the future
I am Silent about the inequities I see
I hide my Shame
I am very Impatient
Uncertainty and ambiguity rule my industry
We Compare store to store, quarter to quarter, year to year
We are Either overly confident Or overly concerned about our Competition
Social media Distracts me
My body is Contracted all day long
I Fear they may let me go at any moment