How do I be all I want to be?
Read all I want to read?
Clean all I want to clean?
Clear all I want to clear?
Eat all I want to eat?
Own all I want to own?
I WANT . . .
Are wants a weapon of scarcity?
When I want I am in scarcity, am I declaring I am not sufficient?
As long as I want my office clean, my husband to do something or be something he isn’t, my bank account to fill or a bag of money to magically appear, am I standing in scarcity and lack?
Wanting was handed to me from birth. Cultivated and nourished as each birthday and Christmas passed . . . “What do you want for Christmas, [little] Gina?” Each commercial, magazine, store window seeks my want. My want is like an animal growing ever hungrier as I grow older. The progressive nature of wanting. . . I want the best schools for my kids, the best soccer teams, the best coach, the best teacher and the best kids to be their friends. I want. I want. I want.
That wanting is in me living, growing and finding its way in me at each and every moment. What would my life look like without wanting? I would cut up a live credit card, I would experience life from a new place and all would be well.
All is well