I can’t help but notice that this week begins today with Flag Day, a uniquely American holiday where we honor our flag, and ends with national splurge day on June 18, 2010. We continue to de-emphasize our role as citizens in a national community and continue our rapid transformation to consumers. This happens with our continued unending, dizzying pace at which we spend to fill the void missing by, what I say, is our lack of commitment to ourselves, each other and our communities.

My son came home from school unhappy about one of his final exam grades. He was visibly upset and unsettled. I was getting ready to go grocery shopping and he said, “Mom, I feel that I am going to want to buy something. I don’t have any money and I need to know if you will agree that if I see something I want you will buy it. . . I can just feel that I am going to want to buy something.” I said that buying something will not make your upset over your grade change. I talked to him and had him join me. He helped me shop, pack the bags, unload and put away the groceries. All of these things are something he never does. Later I mentioned that he survived without buying anything. He noticed and he said that he felt better.

Maybe we can learn by my son’s example and step away from the cash register or “buy now” button and all we need is a step toward, connection, community or service to reclaim our citizenship.

In honor of national splurge day:

I found a solid gold and diamond encrusted iPad that sold for $190,000. I thought what if the now owner of this extravagant technology had reallocated his resources from consuming to sustaining what would the numbers look like?

Do me a favor, at some time this week in honor of national splurge day; take the time to gift resources of either time or talent to one of these organizations or to one that moves your heart.