Shea Adelson

Leadership and Organizational Coach and Consultant

Shea Adelson

Shea Adelson is a leadership and organizational coach and consultant with Seven Stones Leadership Group. Shea works with individuals, teams, and organizations to build leadership skills, collaboration, and results through individual and team coaching, and enterprise-wide programs focused on scaling leadership principles. Leveraging a career in research and analysis, she offers evidence-based insights to her clients in a range of industries, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, finance, technology, professional services, architecture, higher education, and nonprofits. Shea provides coaching, trusted advising, change management, facilitation and training, leading courses in effective communication, strategic thinking, conflict resolution and executive presence among other key leadership and management topics with depth and skill from two decades of experience.

During posts at several boutique-consulting firms in start-up phases, including Mobius Executive Leadership and Seven Stones Leadership, Shea created client services and offerings from the ground up, from large virtual courses to change management initiatives. Coaching, with a triune focus on building capacity in self-awareness, management and leadership skills, and relational effectiveness, has always been at the core. Earlier, from close to a decade at Fuld & Company, a global competitive intelligence firm, and later with Kelly Services’ Strategic Insights group, she led and conducted research and analysis to support and direct executive level initiatives and go-to-market strategies.

Shea integrates her training in somatic education and mindfulness practices with her passion for data and science into her coaching philosophy, bringing to her clients the tools and techniques from the latest research in neuroscience and the best of the wisdom traditions as it relates to sustainable leadership and team development. Always learning and refining, Shea has cultivated a holistic, interdisciplinary, and customized approach to her practice to support clients create clarity, purpose, and results.

Shea holds certifications from many coaching and professional organizations including ICF, KF360, Corentus Inc. Team Coaching Certificate, Team Management Systems, Leadership Embodiment, and is also a certified yoga teacher.

Shea holds an undergraduate degree in anthropology from Tufts University. She has also taken graduate level courses in negotiation and international relations at Tufts.

Shea lives in the Greater Boston Area and is the parent to two awesome kids. She is restored by nature, meditation, great cooking, and quality time with her children

4 Virtual Learning Sessions plus 6-month Racial Affinity Group Experience

For this learning path, you will participate in the 4 virtual learning sessions and be enrolled in one of three Racial Affinity Groups:

1) People who identify as People of Color (Black, Indigenous, Asian, Hispanic)

2) People who identify as Bi-Racial or Multi-Racial

3) People who identify as White

*More specific affinity groups may be formed upon the completion of course registration

We believe that it is important to do our own work with people with similar racial experiences to build capacity for cross-race dialogue that supports authentic relationships and deep belonging for everyone. We will ask you to self-select into the group that best aligns with your racial identity. We recognize that for some this is not a simple choice and we are available to have a conversation with you to support your selection.

Together we will:

  • Reflect personally and collectively on the impact of embodied trauma, separation, scarcity and disconnection.
  • Work in learning partners and/or small groups for the sake of holding each other accountable and deepening our learning through multiple disciplines.
  • Engage in embodied practices for unwinding from the impact of racism in order to build stamina, capacity, and resilience.

Online Zoom Sessions

Time: 11am-12:30pm ET/8am PT/4pm GMT*

When: 5-Sessions scheduled between Sept 28, 2023 – Jan 26, 2024 (see below)

*All sessions will run from 11am-12:30pm ET.

Racial Affinity Group Schedule
Thurs, September 28, 2023 — 11am-12:30pm ET Kick-off/ Authentic Communication
Thurs, November 2, 2023 — 11am-12:30pm ET Unpacking Our Racial Autobiographies
Friday, November 17, 2023 — 11am-12:30pm ET Self-Compassion
Thurs, December 7, 2023 — 11am-12:30pm ET What is Sustainable Abundance?
Thurs, January 25, 2024 — 11am-12:30pm ET Inclusive Leadership

Course Registration

Upon registration, you will be directed to our online community space, where all aspects of your program will live, including: pre-work, event links, and a space to connect with fellow participants.

4 Virtual Learning Sessions Only

These four learning sessions will provide you with a new view and innovative framing of the problem as we see it. Below is a brief description of what will take place in each session:

  • Learning Session 1: Why Context Matters
    In session one, we look at our individualist narratives and the impact of not understanding the context in which we exist. 
  • Learning Session 2: Unpacking Trauma
    In session two, we discuss individual and collective trauma. We define trauma and look together about our current systems of inequality and how they evoke trauma-like responses in so many of us.
  • Learning Session 3: Global Anti-Black Racism: A History Lesson
    In session three, we get a history lesson like none other: we explore the global slave trade as the foundation for our current economic model.
  • Learning Session 4: Understanding Power
    In our last session, we examine power; power structures, our relationships with personal power; the importance of learning a healthy relationship with power when so many of us have had power abuse in our lives.

Online Zoom Learning Sessions

Time: 11am-1pm ET/8am PT/4pm GMT*

When: 4-sessions scheduled between Sept 21, 2023 – Jan 18, 2024 (see details below)

*All sessions will run from 11am-1pm ET.

Learning Session Schedule
Thurs, September 21, 2023 — 11 - 1pm ETWhy Context Matters
Thurs, October 26, 2023 — 11 - 1pm ET Unpacking Trauma
Thurs, November 16, 2023 — 11 - 1pm ET Global Anti-Black Racism: A History Lesson
Thurs, January 18, 2024 — 11 - 1pm ET Understanding Power

Course Registration

Upon registration, you will be directed to our online community space, where all aspects of your modular program will live, including: pre-work, event links, and a space to connect with fellow participants.